Hello and welcome! I am Risa Brainin, a freelance director and founder/artistic director of the new play development program LAUNCH PAD at UC Santa Barbara.
I served as Artistic Director of Shakespeare Santa Cruz, Associate Artistic Director for both Kansas City Repertory Theatre and Indiana Repertory Theatre, and Resident Director at the Guthrie Theater…
The University of California, Santa Barbara
“What Risa Brainin has created at UCSB is entirely rare, but extremely necessary, to the ecology of the American Theatre. By fostering relationships between professional writers and her students, Risa is developing a new generation of advocates for the new play, the contemporary voice, and the inherent value of collaboration. Simultaneously, she is offering some of the most talented playwrights in the country a home in which to safely explore, and providing some of the best production values that exist in the theatre today — in both the professional and academic spheres.”
Mark Orsini and Bonnie Davis
Bret Adams, LTD
morsini@bretadamsltd.net; bdavis@bretadamsltd.net

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