To Kill a Mockingbird by Christopher Sergel
Repertory Theatre of St. Louis

Scenery: Narelle Sissons, Costumes: Devon Painter, Lighting: Michael Klaers, Music: Michael Keck

Actors: Miriam Dance, Jonathan Gillard Daly, Cynthia Darlow, Rachel Fenton, Tanesha Gary, Chris Harris, Melissa Harris, Michael Keck, Kimmie Kimm, Lenne Klingaman, Alan Knoll, Alicia Like, Jason Little, Amy Loui, Charlie Mathis,  Ben Nordstrom, Whit Reichert, Felicia Rogers, Kaylee Ryan, Ronin Ryan, Terrell Donnell Sledge, Jerry Vogel (Photos: Jerry Naunheim Jr. and Narelle Sissons)